Photo credit – UBC Food Services
Join us for a noon time of Zoom fun and nostalgia making “UBC Cinnamon Buns” with Chef Andy Chan (UBC Food Services), hosted by CBC Radio’s Amy Bell. We are raising funds for the FWC Childcare Bursary for UBC students! Submit a haiku or limerick about the iconic bun to win a very special prize. There will be door prizes too. Zoom date: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 12:30 pm To pay online, go to
For mail in donations, please make a cheque payable to The University of British Columbia. In the Memo section include Faculty Women’s Club Childcare Bursary. Please direct the cheque to the following address: To register for the event after donating, to submit limericks or haikus, or for questions, email The Zoom link will be sent to all those who register. Don’t miss the registration deadlines: Haiku and limerick submissions: March 31, 2021; Event: April 4, 2021. |