Our group meets once a month exploring ways to support UBC students dealing with food insecurity and wellness. We occasionally have speakers and focus mainly on projects that support their food and wellness needs, often through the UBC AMS food bank. We also have a link for volunteering with the Acadia Food Hub. For further information, please contact one of the convenors: Phyllis Lamont & Mary Thompson
About the AMS Food Bank
The AMS Food Bank is an emergency food relief service for UBC students in need. Alicia Walch is the current AMS Food Bank Coordinator. The AMS Food Bank offers various non-perishable foods, personal hygiene supplies, budgeting tips and information on additional resources in and around Vancouver. It receives supplies from numerous sponsors, but otherwise relies on donations from students and staff to stock the food bank.
Food Bank hours are Mondays and Thursdays from 12pm – 7pm at Life 0032 (Old Sub) at the stairs by the rainbow wall. Non-perishable food donations can be dropped off via the donation slot located outside the Food Bank. This slot is available anytime the Life Building is open. The 10 preferred items to donate are: 1) pasta and pasta sauce; 2) frozen food (such as frozen ready meals); 3: canned meat (tuna, chicken, salmon); 4) canned vegetables (peas, corn, mushrooms); 5) canned soup; 6) baby products (diapers, formula, baby food); 6) cereal; 7) oats/oatmeal; 8) granola bars; 9) personal hygiene products; 10) milk alternatives.
Food insecurity for UBC students has become a growing trend, with numbers growing exponentially, as this graph of annual visits illustrates:
Source: https://www.ams.ubc.ca/student-services/food-bank/
The AMS Food Bank website describes its activities, how to use the food bank, donate to it, and volunteer at it, as well as other useful community information. The staff of the food bank have many innovative initiatives on the go which will be addressed in Amira’s address to the group. Additionally, the AMS Food Bank Team has worked in collaboration with the AMS Academic & University Affairs office to produce the following infographic to increase awareness about the prevalence of campus food security and about how to access the AMS Food Bank: Food Bank Infographic 2021.
Phone contacts:Call 604 822 2371 (Office) and 604 822 5627 (Food Bank).
Check out the AMS Food Bank Blog for delicious recipes.
If you would like to make a financial donation to the AMS Food Bank please make your cheque payable to the Faculty Women’s Club, with AMS Food Bank on the memo line, and mail it to:
Faculty Women’s Club
Cecil Green Park House
University of British Columbia
6251 Cecil Green Park Road
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z1
Note: AMS Food Bank Donations are not tax deductible